Levofloxacin online Cheapest place to buy accutane petition, is being published on the World Trade Organisation website.
The US, Canada and Russia have already taken regulatory action, but the UK and EU have not.
The letter says such action is necessary to protect patients' safety.
It says: "Our current regulatory framework requires the manufacturers of these medicines to obtain approvals from what is the generic drug for indomethacin the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before their sale in the UK.
"We believe that requiring approval as a precondition of sale, when there is a high degree of evidence that these medicines are unsafe, is scientifically unsupportable and would make our medicines less safe in practice.
"We believe the regulation is a barrier to innovation which will result in unnecessary loss of life, as well harm to patients.
"Therefore, we are asking that the EU consider a ban on these medicines, or a more limited suspension of approval. generally, we are asking that the EU act quickly and decisively to address its regulatory failings as they relate to these medicines."
The full petition has been signed by more than 1.5m people since it was launched on Friday.
Dr Paul Cosford, an expert in HIV medicine at the University of Leicester, said: "The petition is more than 1.5 million signatures long, and is the biggest petition EU has ever received for this particular issue.
"It's hard to overstate the enormity of number people who've signed it. In a couple of weeks people will get the chance to have a say in what happens. It's going to be very interesting."
He said it was "unfortunate" that the response of EU to petition had been agree review the EU Regulation on approval process for new Order cialis online in canada medicines before the end of 2015.
But he said that a number of other initiatives being promoted by patient groups and international NGOs had made it clear that the EU was "not best place to be promoting innovation".
"These things are going to be looked at now. They're going to be looked into in their entirety before the end of 2015. Then we will see the end result."
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has described the withdrawal of Theravance as an "important milestone".
A statement from WHO said: "The withdrawal of Theravance is an drugstore bb cream usa important milestone for patients around the world who rely on HIV medicines to survive.
"While more work is needed to ensure continued access this important medicine, it is to remember that with thousands of lives saved every year, this is what does the drug indomethacin do a significant milestone for HIV medicines as well."